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California Scrub Jay

Jays and Crows

California Scrub Jay

Aphelocoma californica

All Year

Jays and Crows

California Scrub Jay

Daniel Fitzgerald

California Scrub Jay

Partial to brushy or scrubby habitats, pine-oak woodlands, and residential areas; typically in less densely forested areas than habitats preferred by the Stellar's Jay.

Basic plumage pattern includes blue head, blue wings, blue tail, and variable amount of white above the eye, grayish underparts with white-streaked throat and bluish breast band, and variably colored grayish or brownish patch on back.

The bulky, cup-shaped nest of this species (made from twigs and moss) is placed in trees or shrubs. Scrub Jays are opportunistically omnivorous, with a diet that includes insects, fruit, seeds, and small vertebrates.

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