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A Beautiful Evening to Remember

A Beautiful Evening to Remember

As the sun set and a light wind blew through the valley oaks, five of us gathered in the Mitchell Canyon parking lot for a leisurely evening hike...

Alameda Whipsnake

Alameda Whipsnake

On February 5, 1997, the Alameda Whipsnake was added to the federal government's list of threatened species...

An Island in Suburbia

An Island in Suburbia

Mount Diablo is an island in the middle of suburbia. It is a diverse habitat of cool wooded canyons with flowing creeks...

Birding on Mount Diablo

Birding on Mount Diablo

Over two hundred bird species have been sighted on the mountain, and it is well known to birders for its superb examples of chaparral birds, spring migrants, numerous raptors, and such locally elusive species...

Black Point Trail

Black Point Trail

...You may well wonder - ticks? Black flies? Slippery slopes? This is a favorite trail? Rest assured that there are compensating features - the Black Point Trail is one of the park’s top attractions, best appreciated during the spring months...

Blainville's Horned Lizard

Blainville's Horned Lizard

The Coast or Blainville’s Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma blainvilli) is considered to be an odd-looking creature by many people...

Bob's Pond Hike

Bob's Pond Hike

...The lovely green pond, with its ring of magnificent sycamore trees, stands like an emerald jewel among the undulating meadowy hills, a welcome focus to the area’s wildlife...

California Red Legged Frog

California Red Legged Frog

The Calaveras Jumping Frog is a story written by Mark Twain in the 19th century. Contrary to popular belief, the frog in that story was NOT an American Bullfrog...

California Tiger Salamander

California Tiger Salamander

The California Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma californiense is one of the least observed animals in Mount Diablo State Park...

Camel Rock Hike

Camel Rock Hike

There are trails in Mount Diablo State Park that are not well known. One of these is the Camel Rock Trail...

Clayton Quarry

Clayton Quarry

Two partners, Harrison and Birdwell, developed mining for construction aggregates on Mount Zion in 1947. However, this was not the first mining activity to occur in the area...

Close Call: The Near-Extinction of Peregrine Falcons

Close Call: The Near-Extinction of Peregrine Falcons

Peregrine falcons are the fastest animals on earth, capable of diving at upwards of 200 miles per hour to capture smaller birds, their main prey...

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