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Wildlife Photography Guidelines

Taken from National Geographic 7/31/19 article, "How to Photograph Wildlife Ethically"

by Melissa Groo, used with permission

Wildlife Photography Guidelines

Gray Fox, by Dan Sandri

“The ethics of photography are the same as the ethics of life, and they all revolve around respect.”

As you strive to capture images of wildlife in Mount Diablo Sate Park, please pledge to have as minimal an impact as possible when photographing flora and fauna, by following the guidelines below. Remember, the use of drones is prohibited at all times.

• Do No Harm – I will not destroy or alter habitat for a better shot, will always let animals go about their business, especially in breeding season, and will strive to understand signs of stress.

• Keep It Wild – I will never feed our wild friends, in hopes of a photograph, or otherwise, avoiding the possibility of having them connect human contact with food.

• Follow the Law – I will always obey applicable laws as I photograph.

• Consider the Captive – If photographing wild animals in captivity, I will first ensure the facility is both legal and ethical.

• Caption with Honesty – I will always be honest and transparent about the backstory of a pic – camera trap, captive critter, etc. – so as not to deceive viewers.  I will also protect sensitive species or habitats by not disclosing location.

For more information visit (requires free subscription to view)

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