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Mount Diablo becomes a State Park

They had a big party in 1921

Mount Diablo becomes a State Park

Just over two weeks after the governor signed legislation creating state parkland on Mount Diablo there was a party to celebrate!

According to the “Hikers” column by Harold French in the San Francisco Call, at the dedication on June 19, 1921, “Unique outdoor exercises were held …first in a natural amphitheater at the base, and later at the summit.” In addition to performances by the Martinez band and Choral Society, and speeches by local and state dignitaries, “Moving pictures and airplane stunts heightened the interest of the varied program conducted on the top of this 3850-foot mountain.”

In 2022, Mount Diablo State Park celebrated its Centennial, and continues to attract thousands of visitors to its summit to enjoy the impressive views of Northern California. 

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