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Hike is FULL

Mitchell Canyon Wildflower Walk

Sunday, May 5, 2024

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: We'll assemble at the Mitchell Canyon Visitor Center. Restrooms are nearby.

Join us on a nature hike up Mitchell Canyon to view wildflowers, native plants, and more! Our saunter will follow in the footsteps of 19th-century botanic explorer David Douglas. As we head up Mitchell Canyon, we'll search for many of the flowers he collected in 1831, including the endemic Mount Diablo Globe Lily. We'll also describe the traditional uses and folklore associated with the flowers, shrubs, and trees we encounter on our hike.

This is a moderate 4-mile round trip hike with a couple hundred feet in elevation change. There is an option for an easier 2-mile roundtrip hike.

Bring snacks and water. Dress in layers and wear good hiking shoes. Bring poles if you normally use them. Rain cancels. 

Sponsored by California State Parks and Greenbelt Alliance

Hike is full!

Fee: $6 per vehicle/Seniors $5 (exact change required) or pay on the Yodel app

Leader(s): Ken Lavin, Liz Watson (VIPP) and Alan Siegel (Greenbelt Alliance)

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