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Hike is FULL

Tarantula Trek

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ken Lavin

5:00 - 8:00 PM

Location: We will assemble near the Mitchell Canyon Visitor Center.

Join us to go dancing with the stars. Step lively though, because the stars of late summer on Mount Diablo are tarantulas!

“I know I am not capable of suffering more than I did during those few minutes of suspense in the dark, surrounded by those creeping, bloody-minded tarantulas.” (Mark Twain, Roughing It)

Join us for a nature walk up Mitchell Canyon and we will dispel any malicious rumors you might have heard (from Mark Twain or others) about Mount Diablo’s iconic arachnids.

Tarantulas are actually the "teddy bears" of Mount Diablo; they even have a dance called the tarantella named for them. You'll also have a chance to meet a tarantula named Scarlet O'Harry, the real-life (not just Facebook friend) of outing leader Liz Watson.

Bring liquids, snacks, and a flashlight. Dress in layers and wear good hiking shoes. Bring poles if you normally use them. Restrooms and water are available near the trailhead. Park closure due to fire danger cancels. 

Sponsored in partnership by California State Parks and Greenbelt Alliance

Hike is FULL

Fee: $6 per vehicle park entrance fee (exact cash amount required). Pay at the entrance gate.

Leader(s): Liz Watson and Ken Lavin

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